4mulate is infused with several existing technologies, allowing our clients’ online projects to take full advantage of an inter-connected world within which they can exhibit products and/or services, privately or publicly, selectively or en masse.

Because 4mulate is a bespoke platform, it can be shaped to look, feel, and work the way you want with features you have always wanted and features you may never even thought possible. Our considered integration of digital marketing features are designed to make all sites immediately social and compliant with the latest online standards, binding our customers with the world's foremost search engines, social networks, and identity providers - including Google™, Bing™, Facebook™, Twitter™, LinkedIn™, Pinterest™ (plus many more) while consolidating the most powerful social features, all within a single solution.

4mulate enables customers to apply friend and profile data to drive social registrations, scalable and "word-of-mouth" marketing, community interaction and discussions. It can provision clients with social walls directly within their own websites plus much more. In addition, through detailed analytics and use of best practices tempered by 34 years of consulting and industry experience, 4mulate successfully leverages the best analytical information from the moment of inception to deliver measurable social and digital ROI.

4mulate usage

  • General Websites
  • News & Information Sites
  • Real Estate Sites & Portals
  • Social Network Platforms
  • Ecommerce & Shopping Sites
  • Landing Pages & Competition Sites

Planning your solution

Muse Digital works to an Agile Method. This ensures that your project is planned well and runs smoothly to timely milestones that keep you regularly involved and in control of your budget. As importantly, it also means we develop to your vision and deliver on time. By opting for 4mulate, you leverage expedited development and a wealth of pre-developed and customisable modules that give you total content control.

4mulate features

This is an abridged list of modules you can integrate as part of your 4mulate solution. Every module can be customised to work with your data or to the methods employed by your organisation. If you don't see the module we have likely developed or can develop it.

4mulate Commerce
4mulate Advanced Real Estate
4mulate Advanced Product Catalogue & Display
4mulate Advanced News & Blogging
4mulate Infiniti System
4mulate Social Wall & Live Commenting
4mulate Live Source
4mulate Live Chat
4mulate Advanced Page Creation & Management
4mulate Gallery Management
4mulate Hierarchical User Management
4mulate Advanced Social User Management
4mulate Multiple Language Module
4mulate Video Management (YouTube & Vimeo)
4mulate Wishlist
4mulate Image Manipulation, Upload & Watermark
4mulate Banner Manager
4mulate Testimonials
4mulate Projects Management
Social Login
Gigya™ Multiple Social Log-In Technology
Issuu™ Online Publishing Technology
Disqus™ Social Commenting & Moderation
Secure Ecommerce Gateways
Advanced Google™ Maps Integration
Advanced Customer Management & Tracking
Advanced Analytics Management & Tracking
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Compliance
Social Engine Marketing (SEM) Compliance
External API Integration (e.g Inventory Systems)
plus much more

4mulate is GDPR compliant

Our DEV network

Muse prides itself on working with some of the biggest developer networks around. We do this to ensure we are abreast of the latest technologies, standards, and security measures. It also ensures that our projects stand the test of time.

Request a demo

At Muse, we take pride in our clients and we especially look forward to hearing about new projects. You'll find us very amenable to your requirements. Let's see what our team can do for you. Drop us a line today to find out.